How to teach children the right way to brush their teeth

How to teach children the right way to brush their teeth

The leader in the children's toothbrush industry - Ningbo Show-Well Factory will introduce to you today how to teach children the correct way to brush their teeth.
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Generally speaking, a baby of about two and a half years old has all 20 deciduous teeth erupted, and he can start brushing his teeth. The correct brushing method is very important to take care of the baby's dental health. Therefore, mothers should teach the baby to brush correctly when he is a child. method.
1. Brush the outer surfaces of the upper and lower teeth first, place the toothbrush at an angle on the edge of the gums, take two to three teeth as a group, and move the toothbrush up and down with moderate force.

2. When brushing the outside of the upper and lower teeth, the horizontal and vertical brushes should be combined and rotated to draw a circular brush, that is, the upper teeth are drawn in an "M" shape, and the lower teeth are drawn in a "W" shape.

3. Then brush the inner side of the teeth and repeat the above actions.

4. When brushing the inner side of the incisors, the toothbrush should be placed upright, with moderate force from the gums to the crown, and the same for the lower teeth.

5. To brush the chewing surface, put the toothbrush on the chewing surface and move it back and forth.
