Charcoal Toothbrush Market

Currently in Japan, bamboo charcoal or "bamboo charcoal products" are gaining popularity. From household products, beauty products, and even ordinary foods, as long as they are bamboo charcoal products, they are all respected by all walks of life in Japan. Even daily personal care also uses products containing bamboo charcoal. At first, the Japanese imperial family added bamboo charcoal powder to ordinary toothpaste to brush their teeth, and found many unexpected effects: teeth whiter, breath fresher, tooth decay disappeared, and many oral troubles disappeared. The magical effect of bamboo charcoal on the oral cavity quickly spread in the royal family, and members of the royal family followed suit. Later, bamboo charcoal toothbrushes were invented. Bamboo charcoal toothpaste and bamboo charcoal toothbrushes quickly became the new favorites of the royal family. Affected by this, the Japanese royal family is also dubbed the bamboo charcoal royal family.
In 2005, Charcoal Toothbrush was the first to be marketed in Japan. Less than 3 months after being listed, Japanese people who are pursuing a quality of life love it very much. In Akihabara, a famous store in Tokyo, 100,000 pieces were sold that month, and the natural Charcoal Toothbrush quickly became popular in Japan.